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Startseite » Forenübersicht » Kreativbereich » Bilderrahmen » Global Warming
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Alt 25.07.2014, 11:33   #1
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Global Warming

Eines aus meiner digitalen Anfangszeit.

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Alt 25.07.2014, 18:05   #2
Registriert seit: 13.12.2007
Ort: Ö; Deutsch-Wagram
Beiträge: 12.292
Ein wunderbares Bild!

Aber den Titel verstehe ich nicht...
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Alt 26.07.2014, 08:59   #3
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- Kurze Erklärung zum Bildtitel

Die Reflektion des Kondensstreifens im nassen Sand steht symbolisch für den anthropogenic footprint, den anthropogenen Beitrag zum Klimawandel.

- Etwas weiterführend

Die Gegend im Hintergrund, NW-Ireland, County Donegal, wurde nachweislich bereits 8000 B.C.E. während des Mesolithikums besiedelt. Also im Erdzeitalterabschnitt zwischen Paläolithikum und Neolithikum am Ende der letzten Eiszeit.

Klimatisch beendete das Mesolithikum das sogenannte Pleistozän welches ca 2.5 Millionen Jahre andauerte. Es began die Periode des Holozän, diese dauert bis heute an.

Das Mesolithikum brachte eine Periode der Erderwärmung mit sich, es begann das Zeitalter der Wälder, und damit schließt sich der Gedankenkreis zunächst.

Man kann da noch viel mehr zu sagen, aber ich denke das erklärt den Kern.

- Persönliche Geschichte zum Bild
The below picture has a few stories that belong to it. Little should I know about it’s importance to me when I took the shot on a crispy clear November evening back in 2005 on my beach.

I saw the reflection of the airplane in the wet sand and pulled the trigger. To me this scene was the epitome of “Global Warming”, and this is how I called it.

Years later, and encouraged by Prof. Harald “Color Harry” Mante and other people it won a photo competition, and as a result I was invited to Castle Dyck in Germany to meet Stuart Franklin from Magnum and some other people from the industry. In a way this was the start of me pursuing photography on more than a hobby level only, and it turned into my full-time work.

That in itself made the picture important to me as you might imagine, but there is more…

A few years later in 2008 I bought an Epson 11880 and this shot was one of the first larger prints I made on this amazing printer after it was setup. I called my good friend Roger Burns over to show him this spaceship, the print was on the table beside some others. When Roger came in, he went straight to this print and was very taken by it, he asked me whether he could have that for an event next month. Roger being my friend, I said “Sure, what’s that event about?” and made another print for himself.

He explained that he plans to go to Africa / Malawi and build a crash for kids together with a couple of craftsmen next year, and money being tight, they would have an evening in a pub and try to fundraise money for vaccination shots, tools and all kind of things needed to realise such undertaking. They would have a raffle and people could win prizes, so he wanted this for the first prize. While matting and framing it I explained the title and we chatted about his trip.

The evening was a great success and they went on to Malawi building that crash for kiddos. I forgot about that picture over time.

In October 2010 Roger called very excited and told me that he bought a boat, so we went for a trip to nearby Islands together. It was there that he asked me to come along for the next trip to Malawi as their photographer, documenting the development and shooting in Malawi. I was in Africa before, and I liked that idea of a trip with him and agreed wholeheartedly, but this should never take place.

A few months later I got the message that Roger had died unexpectedly within a few days of illness. Roger was in his early 50s. Couple of days later I got a letter with a card, the official news that Roger had passed. The card showed exactly this picture, with his face blended into the sky above the airplane.

His sister did that, and when I called her, she told me how much he loved this picture, and that this was the reason she had it scanned and used for his card.

Roger is forever connected with this picture, and it will remain one of the most important pictures that I took.…

Geändert von darkroom (26.07.2014 um 09:07 Uhr)
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Alt 28.07.2014, 02:15   #4
Vera aus K.
Registriert seit: 30.01.2009
Ort: Köln
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Ein wunderschönes Bild!


Und eine sehr berührende Geschichte! Danke, dass du beides mit uns teilst.


Ob wir es uns bewusst machen oder nicht - es kommt die Zeit, in der man gemeinsame Reisen nur noch im Land der Erinnerung erleben kann.

Viele Grüße,

Viele Grüße,

Für die, die meine Bilder (teilweise) nicht angezeigt bekommen hier steht die Lösung!
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Alt 28.07.2014, 09:51   #5
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My pleasure!
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Alt 30.07.2014, 20:03   #6
Registriert seit: 21.08.2008
Ort: Hessen
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Wunderbares Bild.

Absolute Ruhe, absoluter Frieden, eine tolle Aufteilung, wunderschöne Farben, tolle Spiegelung. Man schaut drauf und seufzt einmal wohlig durch.

Danach dann die Geschichte, die einen stark berührt.

Gefällt mir sehr.
Liebe Grüße!
Blowing out someone else's candle doesn't make yours shine any brighter.
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Alt 31.07.2014, 10:40   #7
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Vielleicht ist das folgende für den einen oder anderen hier noch interessant.

Ich komme ja ursprünglich und schon sehr früh aus der Musik, meine Ex war Professor of Arts, Galerie Inhaber und Malerin.

In meiner Anfangszeit kam das Thema Art natürlich immer wieder auf den Tisch, und auch heute noch werde ich oft danach gefragt und diskutiere dies immer wieder gerne aus verschiedenen Perspektiven.

Ich persönlich hab mich früh entschieden was die Thematik angeht.

I just give a flying Bull!

Is it art?

I have no idea, and I don't care!

I am just a guy with a camera who spends all the time I can outdoors. I shoot instinctively, I do not normally plan shootings, I walk.

I walk long hours, sometimes I come home after a 8 hours with a single picture only, and even this may end up in the trash. Sometimes I walk for 30 minutes and come back with 20 pictures. I am a walker. I often forget the camera around my neck. LOL I often intended to go out and shoot pictures, and simply forgot that I have a camera with me.

Nature draws me in it's magic appearance all around here, I am the happiest chap when I can be outside and walk for hours, not a single soul that I meet. No noise other than the animals and the wind around me, no cars, no humans with their constant chatter, like a flock of geese it sounds to me in the cities. Hehehe.

Because I have to deal with business sides, I spend long hours on the phone and the computer, it drains me, sucks me dry often. When I am out and about, it takes 2 hours or so, and all that stuff falls of my shoulders and I am where I feel content the most, outdoors, open spaces, the sky above me, the wind in my face.

We strive to go to Mars and beyond, and the fascinating that is, it is all here, all around us, the magic of creation, in the little things and the big things, the grashalms and the mountains, it is all here.

It is magic to be alive!

My heart is pumping like crazy, I climbed that bloody steep dune right up to the ridge, sweat purs down my forhead, the sand is as deep as fresh and powdery snow in the alps, the backpack cuts deep into my shoulders, finally I am up there, I sit down and grin like a child.

A seagull lands only 10 feet away from me and seems not to be bothered about my presence. No ships on the horizon, the ocean is calm today, a gentle breeze dries the sweat in my face. I wish I could share this moment with the whole world.

I think, if one of these days I succeed to bring a little of that magic to people with my photographs, I think by then I will call myself a photographer.
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Alt 31.07.2014, 19:07   #8
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Fotografieren lernst du nur durch Fotografieren nicht durchs Equipment
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Alt 31.07.2014, 21:49   #9
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Nein, zur Zeit keine. Ich hatte dieses Jahr was mit Lumas zusammen angedacht, aber das gefällt mir überhaupt nicht.

Erst mal längerfristig Strand, dann Hausverkauf und Umzug. Vor 2015/16 keine Ausstellung in der Planung. Außerdem steckt mir der Kulturschock noch in den Knochen. Fast 2 Jahrzehnte weg aus -D- und auf einmal wieder da. Extrem schwer verdauliche Kiste.


Sag bloss hier gibt es keine Metaller?

Geändert von darkroom (31.07.2014 um 21:56 Uhr)
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