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Alt 11.07.2018, 22:48   #84
Registriert seit: 11.02.2013
Ort: Südbaden
Beiträge: 5.392
Im Wikipedia-Artikel zum Lakefield NP heist es:
„...One of the attractive species in the park is the beautiful palm, Corypha utan. They tend to grow close to waterways and cope well with flooding that occurs during the wet season (monsoon). At the end of the life of the palm, which may be 75 to 100 years, it produces a large terminal inflorescence about a metre high with a prodigious number of flowers. One estimate is that they produce one million flowers. When flowering and seeding is complete the palm dies...."

Also bildet diese Palmenart - Corypha utan - gegen Ende ihres Lebenszyklus einen großen endständigen Blütenstand aus. Das scheint die Palme auf dem Bild von Reisefoto getan zu haben.
Viele Grüße,

Do what you can, with what you've got, where you are.
Bill Widener, of Widener Valley, Virginia, as quoted by Theodore Roosevelt in 'An Autobiography'

Geändert von embe (11.07.2018 um 22:52 Uhr) Grund: link zur Palme ergänzt.
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