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Alt 07.02.2019, 21:06   #299
Registriert seit: 11.01.2012
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Eigenschaften des Sensors der A6400 - AA-Filter?

Auf Dpreview war zu lesen der Sensor der 6400 sei derjenige der 6300.
Mich interessiert die Aufnahmequalität des Sensors, speziell das Thema AA-Filter.
Zur 6300 war auf imaging-ressource zu lesen:

"Though it keeps the same 24-megapixel resolution, the Sony A6300's APS-C sensor is completely new, with a similar copper wiring-based design that we saw on the Sony A7R II. Not only does this help the camera's performance with faster sensor readout, it also improves the signal-to-noise ratio, which results in better noise performance. Based on our testing both in and out of the lab, we found that the Sony A6300 produces excellent, highly detailed images at lower ISOs, as well as shows improved high ISO performance compared to its already well-regarded A6000 predecessor. In terms of dynamic range, the A6300 is improved over its predecessor especially at higher ISOs, which already offered very good performance for its class.

In the past, Sony's JPEGs have been pretty good, but could look a bit over-processed, especially with regards to heavy-handed noise reduction at higher ISOs. We're happy to see that Sony has tweaked their in-camera JPEG processing with the A6300 for a crisper, cleaner look with less sharpening artifacts and a lighter touch on noise reduction. Looking at RAW performance, we also see image quality improvements compared to the A6000, and we like that Sony has upped the RAW bit depth from 12 to 14 bits in single-shot mode, although the A6300 still uses lossy compression (and you still get 12-bit compressed RAWs in continuous modes, Silent Shooting, Bulb mode, or when Long Exposure NR is applied).

While Sony doesn't explicitly state one way or the other as to the presence of an optical low-pass filter on the sensor, the A6300 must either have a very weak filter or none at all. Images are very crisp with lots of fine detail, but caution should be taken when photographing certain subjects, such as fabrics and various architectural subjects with fine repeating patterns, as moiré and other aliasing artifacts can be difficult to remove in editing software."

Zur 6400 habe ich noch keine vergleichbar detaillierten Angaben gefunden, oder ist schon mehr dazu bekannt? Speziell zum Thema AA-Filkter?
Das klingt jedenfalls für mich so dass diese (!) APS-C-Kamera vielleicht doch einen Vorteil gegenüber Crop in der A7R3 bzw. im LR bieten könnte. Siehe allerdings Beitrag 57 in http://www.sonyuserforum.de/forum/sh...=189754&page=6
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